Young mother successfully sues the Greek Government for the treatment she suffered as a pregnant woman in the “hotspot” on Samos


Press Release For the first time, the European Court of Human Rights has condemned the living conditions faced by an asylum seeker in a Greek hotspot as inhumane and degrading treatment. It found a violation of Article 3 of the Convention and awarded the applicant 5000 Euro in damages. Meanwhile, the continuing [...]

Young mother successfully sues the Greek Government for the treatment she suffered as a pregnant woman in the “hotspot” on Samos2023-04-19T12:57:32+03:00

Interim measure granted in case concerning denial of emergency medical treatment for two of IHR’s beneficiaries


The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has granted an urgent interim measure pursuant to Article 39 of the Rules of Court in the cases C.N. v. Greece (Application no. 32683/22) and R.M. v. Greece (Application no. 32755/22). The cases concerned two people, represented by I HAVE RIGHTS (IHR), with Hepatitis B who for [...]

Interim measure granted in case concerning denial of emergency medical treatment for two of IHR’s beneficiaries2023-04-19T13:01:41+03:00

N.E. and others v. Greece No. 8716/20


European Court of Human Rights: Pregnant asylum seekers claim inhuman or degrading treatment in Samos ‘hotspot’ in legal proceedings before the European Court of Human Rights  In the case N.E. and others v. Greece, currently pending before the European Court of Human Rights, the applicants submitted their response to the observations of [...]

N.E. and others v. Greece No. 8716/202023-04-19T13:02:13+03:00
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