Support our work

As  a Non-Profit Organisation, we rely on donations to cover the costs that arise – like the salaries of our Greek lawyer and coordinators, the rent for our office on Samos, the costs for our clients’ bus tickets to access legal aid, or other costs. 

With your support we are able  to guarantee the provision of professional legal support to asylum seekers on Samos.

There are different ways how you can support our work: 

1. Become a regular donor

By becoming a regular donor, you ensure the long-term viability of I Have Rights’ work and become a crucial supporter of our work to defend human rights. Regular donations give us the financial stability that is needed to plan ahead and ensure the long-term quality of our work,  which is why they are more beneficial to us than one-time donations. You can of course choose the amount and the frequency of your donation.

2. Make a one-time donation

As a small non-profit organisation, every donation is valuable to ensure our work. To make a one-time donation, you can choose your preferred amount in the donation box above or use our donation account with the reference “Donation”. Don’t forget to send us an E-Mail so we can thank you!

I Have Rights e.V.
IBAN: DE23 4306 0967 1263 5484 00
Institute: GLS Community Bank

3. Become a supporting member

You are active in the field of migration and/or you think you have valuable input to our work? Then become our supporting member and support our work both in substance and financially! As a supporting member, you’ll have the opportunity to attend our members meetings and contribute with advice, as well as provide financial support for our work. Through your membership, you will help us in our professional development and have the opportunity to contribute your expertise and ideas to the work of a dynamic and growing community of human rights defenders. With minimal commitment, you will enjoy all of these benefits. The minimum amount of membership fee is 5 euros/month. We are delighted if you can chip in more. Of course you can also select the frequency of your donation.

To finalise your supporting membership application we will be in touch with you through email.

Donation receipt for tax office

In case your donation or membership fees are not higher than 300 Euro in a year, a ‘simplified donation receipt’ is sufficient for the German tax office. You can find a template to download here or here. You have to hand in the simplified donation receipt together with a bank account statement to the tax office.

In case your donation or membership fees are higher than 300 Euro in a year and you need an official donation receipt, please contact us via or fill out the membership form with all your address details and we will send you the receipt as soon as possible.