Our vision

Safe and legal routes to access a fair and dignified European asylum system that upholds the rights of people seeking safety and recognises the effects of climate crisis, poverty and precarity caused by the economic exploitation of the Global North as reasons for asylum. 

Our purpose

We provide independent legal information and legal support to people-on-the-move including asylum seekers, refugees, and migrants on Samos, Greece. We share information about the situation on Samos while also advocating for the change of policies and practices that are responsible for human rights violations at the EU’s borders. We believe it is important for the public to hear about the lives of people-on-the-move and we want to inspire solidarity.

We deeply condemn human trafficking and smuggling and see ourselves as an actor in the fight against human trafficking and smuggling. Our primary goal is to protect vulnerable individuals, following all applicable laws.

Our values


To achieve our aims, we work in cooperation and solidarity with local civil society, NGOs, people-on-the-move and other actors. We act in solidarity with asylum seekers, migrants, and refugees, as well as with all marginalised and discriminated individuals and groups. 


All humans have a right to a dignified living. This includes access to work, education and health care, including psychological support, regardless of their legal status. Vulnerable individuals deserve special protection and care. We oppose all forms of detention, and the hotspot system and isolated living conditions that are undignified for human beings. 


Every asylum seeker should have access to independent, individualised, and confidential legal counselling. We are independent from political parties, governmental institutions, other state actors or religious organisations. Our work should not be influenced by our donors.


We work to support clients whom we take seriously and treat as equals. Our services are free and open to provide equal access to legal support for all asylum seekers, refugees, and migrants on Samos, regardless of their legal status, origin, religion, social and educational background, gender, sexual orientation, and regardless of our sympathy. We commit to continuously working towards overcoming discriminatory structures in our association. We want to reflect on our own privileges and act accordingly.