I HAVE RIGHTS, along with 13 organisations, sent a letter to the Ministry of Migration and Asylum in preparation for an upcoming Ministerial Decision that aims to define categories according to which recognised refugees and people granted subsidiary protection would be allowed to stay in the Closed Controlled Access Centre (CCAC) for more than 30 days post official recognition.

This letter was prompted by the fact that we see, both on Samos and across Greece, an increase in the number of homeless recognised refugees which is exacerbated by the fact that people are required to leave CCACs before they receive their Greek residency ID card. Being without post-recognition legal documents outside the CCAC forces individuals into precarious situations and hinders their integration into Greek society. They face challenges in secure work contracts or apartment leases, for example, leaving them vulnerable to homelessness, exploitation, destitution and other risks. This exacerbates the many existing obstacles recognized refugees face when trying to settle into Greek communities without adequate integration support.

The undersigned organisations ask that the Ministry:

  1. Ensure that vulnerable asylum seekers are accommodated in urban accommodation schemes, not in CCACs.
  2. Take measures to ensure people receive their post-recognition documents, especially theirGreek residency ID card, on time and in a quick manner so they can leave the CCACs and integrate into society.
  3. As a matter of last resort, allow people to stay longer than 30 days post-recognition in CCACs

You can read the full letter here along with the translation in Greek and in Arabic.

Signing Organisations

  1. Avocats Sans Frontières France
  2. Choose Love
  3. ECHO100PLUS
  4. Europe Must Act
  5. Human Rights Legal Project
  7. Just Action
  8. Lighthouse Relief
  9. Mobile Info Team
  10. Northern Lights Aid
  11. Project Armonia
  12. Refugee Legal Support
  13. Samos Volunteers
  14. Yoga and Sport With Refugees