Team on Samos

Lara Edtmüller
Lara EdtmüllerCaseworker
Réka Rebeka Rósa
Réka Rebeka RósaLegal and Team Coordinator
Focal Point of Safeguarding
Ursula Greig-Steinmetz
Ursula Greig-SteinmetzCaseworker
Charlotte Hutton
Charlotte HuttonCasework and Advcocay
Athena Papachristou
Athena PapachristouLawyer
Magdalena Rassmann
Magdalena RassmannAdvocacy and Communications Officer
Bela Abeln
Bela Abeln Board Member
Focal Point of Funding, Finance, Team, Safeguarding, and Mental Health

Steering Committee Members

Klara Kothe
Klara KotheBoard Member
Focal Point of Funding, Members’ Management and Legal work on Samos
Paulina Böse
Paulina BöseBoard Member
Focal Point of Funding, Finance and Strategy, Advocacy, Litigation
Mara Kessler
Mara KesslerBoard Member
Focal Point of Employment and Administration, Team, Safeguarding and Mental Health
Greta Wessing
Greta WessingBoard Member
Focal Point of Funding, Finance and Strategy, Advocacy, Litigation
Caroline Mohrs
Caroline MohrsBoard Member
Focal Point of Administration, Employment and Legal work on Samos
Join the team!