As  a Non-Profit Organisation, we rely on donations to cover the costs that arise, for example …

… the salaries of our
Greek lawyer & coordinators

the rent for
our office on Samos

the costs for our clients’
bus tickets to access legal aid

  1. Become a supporting member

Are you passionate about defending the rights of people on the move on Samos and beyond?

By becoming a supporting member, you contribute a monthly fee to our organization, ensuring a stable income that supports our long-term work.

As a member, you will have access to
✅ regular updates of our work

✅ our annual members’ meeting (voluntary participation)

2. Make a donation (regular or one-time)

By becoming a regular donor, you ensure the long-term viability of I Have Rights’ work and become a crucial supporter of our work to defend human rights.
But as a small non-profit organisation, every donation is valuable to ensure our work.

Our bank transfer details:

I Have Rights e.V.
IBAN: DE23 4306 0967 1263 5484 00
Institute: GLS Community Bank

Donation receipt for tax office

In case your donation or membership fees are not higher than 300 Euro in a year, a ‘simplified donation receipt’ is sufficient for the German tax office. You can find a template to download here or here. You have to hand in the simplified donation receipt together with a bank account statement to the tax office.

In case your donation or membership fees are higher than 300 Euro in a year and you need an official donation receipt, please contact us via or fill out the membership form with all your address details and we will send you the receipt as soon as possible.